Fog Seal
Fog seal is an application of asphalt emulsion. Fog sealing is a method that is used to lock down chips in a chip seal application. It can also be applied to an asphalt pavement surface to extend the life of the pavement by locking in surface fine materials and filling surface voids. It has no structural value and is not intended for severely aged or deformed pavements. In some cases, a fine aggregate material can be post distributed to the new fog seal application to provide additional surface or skid characteristics.
An Emulsion is sprayed using a standard boot truck. The emulsion may or may not be pre-diluted with water. In some applications
How is fog sealing done?
Fog sealing will ensure early stone loss is reduced and will add life to the pavement. In its rejuvenation forms, it may be used for aged but sound pavements where the surface is still intact. It will not repair cracks or fill potholes.
What does fog sealing do?
Fog spray is used after a chip seal is laid or hot mix is laid. It is a temporary protection to keep surface aggregate in place.
Fog spray is usually an SS-1 or CSS-1 emulsion diluted. Special types exist that have rejuvenation oils co emulsified in the system. These types of specialty systems may be applied to aged pavements. Usually, a light covering of sand or finer aggregate is applied.
Fog sealing is an inexpensive insurance for your pavements.
Using various design mixes, techniques, and equipment, micro surfacing can be used successfully in these situations:
In quick-traffic applications as thin as 3/8 inch (9.5mm), Micro Surfacing can increase skid resistance, color contrast, surface restoration, and service life to high-speed roadways (interstates and autobahns). Such projects are often reopened to traffic within an hour.
On airfields, dense-graded Micro Surfacing produces a skid-resistant surface without loose rock that damages aircraft engines.
As a thin, restorative surface source on urban arterials and heavy traffic intersections, Micro Surfacing does not alter drainage; there is no loss of curb reveal.
Micro Surfacing is applied to problem sections of roads or runways to eliminate hydroplaning problems that occur during periods of rain. The Micro Surfacing restores the proper surface profile and makes the area safe to use.
Because Micro Surfacing can be effectively applied to most surfaces at 3/8 inches (9.5mm) or less, more area per ton of mix is covered, resulting in cost-effective surfacing.
Micro Surfacing creates a new, stable surface that is resistant to rutting and shoving in summer and to cracking in winter.
Applied to both asphalt and Portland cement concrete surfaces (usually preceded by a tack coat on concrete), Micro Surfacing is often used to restore a skid-resistant surface to slick bridge decking with minimum added dead weight.
Used as a scratch (leveling) course, to be followed by a surface course, Micro Surfacing can provide transverse surface leveling.
Because of its quick-traffic properties, Micro Surfacing can be applied in a broad range of temperature and weather conditions, effectively lengthening the paving season. It is particularly suitable for night applications on heavy-traffic streets, highways, and airfields.
Applied at ambient temperatures, Micro Surfacing has low energy requirements. And it is environmentally safe, emitting no pollutants.